Skilling in Agripreneurship for Increased Youth Employment (SAY) Project 2021-2024

In partnership with AVSI Foundation and with financial support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands under the SAY Project, MTRC hosted and skilled a total of 145 male and female youths aged 18-30 years in the mushroom value chain from June 2021 in a three-year partnership. These youths are currently gainfully employed under the various nodes of the mushroom value chain.

Skilling farmers in Partnership with Private Sector Foundation Uganda

MTRC in partnership with Private Sector Foundation has skilled mushroom farmers under the SDF Skills Development Fund, funded by the World Bank. Our mushroom farmers have been skilled in critical steps to ensure complete colonisation of mushroom gardens, increased yields, Reduced post-harvest loss among others. The training that began in 2018 has improved farmers perception on the mushroom enterprise. Many thanks to the Private Sector Foundation.!

Self Help Africa Supporting Enterprises around Lake Bunyonyi basin

Mushroom Cultivation is undoubtedly the cheapest agricultural enterprise to start and maintain. African farmers and families with limited land and other resources find it profitable to generate sustainable income from the cultivation of mushrooms. Thanks to Self Help Africa, hundreds of farmers around lake Bunyonyi basin in Kabale and Rubanda district have been introduced to mushroom cultivation and have been successful in production despite the challenges of living in hard to reach remote areas.

Skills acquisition in mushroom Spawn Production at MTRC

Oyster Mushrooms are the most produced and consumed mushrooms in the east African region. Members of the LSC cooperative in mushroom cultivation acquired skills in spawn production at MTRC with support from Agriterra. The group of farmers have since advanced the production of oyster mushroom spawn for the cooperative in Goma Democratic Republic of Congo.


Agriterra is an international not-for-profit agri-agency that specialises in cooperative development in emerging and developing economies.  The LSC cooperative is a non-profit organization by women leaders who were concerned about the socio-economic situation that faced the country for over a decade following the repeated wars. LSC with support from Agriterra started the mission to improve mushroom production and marketing with skills support from MTRC. The strategic planning exercise was held in Goma – Democratic Republic of Congo May 2019


MTRC is a registered Centre for DIT Assessment under the Ministry of Education and Sports. Directorate of Industrial training. Assessment Exams of the youth skilled in Agribusiness at MTRC are conducted after the successful completion of the training Course at MTRC

Button Mushroom Production in Uganda

White Button Mushroom Production at MTRC. MTRC has successfully produced its first button mushrooms from local agricultural wastes as substrates. This was a result of joint effort with PUM Senior experts; Mr. Wim Joosten in 2017 and Mr.Peter Christiaens in 2018 who carried out the trials at MTRC. It is now official that Local Agricultural waste will serve as suitable growing medium for the production of white button mushrooms. Many thanks to AVSISKY and dedicated PUM Senior Experts.

Training of youth in Agribusiness in partership with AVSI/SKY.

MTRC in collaboration with AVSI SKY continues to conduct skilling programs for the youth in Agribusiness. Youth are trained in a wide range of disciplines including but not limited to Agribusiness Development, mentorship in entrepreneurship, value addition and the entire mushroom value chain. The latest intake completed the course with Life Skills Training from LGIHE (LUIGI GIUSSANI INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION)  


Many thanks to the Netherlands based friends and partners who have supported the youth to acquire skills in mushroom cultivation at MTRC. This practical skilling is an initiative of AVSI/SKY sponsored by Kingdom of the Netherlands. The youth were adopted by friends in the Netherlands who contributed funds towards the admission of the selected youth to undergo this training. Over 60 beneficiaries of Adopt a Student Program have acquired the training at MTRC under SKY and are now pro-actively involved in mushroom cultivation. The drive Continue reading →

MTRC at The WoodFungi Conference June 2018 in Belgium.

MTRC participated at the WoodFungi Conference that was held between in June, 2018 in Gent, Belgium. This was the first ever international conference dedicated to the cultivation of lignicolous fungi. The conference was organized by Mycelia and sought to bring together mushroom growers from all over the world to exchange ideas and compare practical solutions to common problems, find answers to long lingering questions, share some ideas and recognise their contribution in the ever expanding mushroom industry.
